Do you ever wonder why your relationship with God feels stale? Have you ever wished you could just hear if God was saying something—anything—to you? Grow in your relationship with God as you learn about the many different ways God uses to communicate with you! (read more)
Featured Projects
Overcoming Disappointment and Achieving Victory
Hope Deferred makes the Heart sick (Proverbs 13:12). Overcoming Disappointment and Achieving Victory by David C. Hairabedian. In this poignant book, David Hairabedian reveals the enemy's three-phase strategy of Hope Deferred... (read more)
God's Language of the night
Inside this book, you'll discover God's Purposes for Dreams and Visions for your life. Learn the 7 Primary Purposes for Dreams. How to interpret dreams and visions by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. How certain symbols and colors can have dual meanings and at times, opposite meanings… (read more)
Journey to Freedom
A riveting storyline that includes a sting operation carried out by 20-armed federal agents on the tarmac of a South Florida runway, and the tales of a prisoner living inside America’s maximum security prison, Leavenworth Penitentiary – this autobiography will captivate you from start to finish… (read more)
How to Recognize and Deal with evil spirits
Dealing with Demons audiobook helps identify the cause of many of our problems in life, from work to personal, addictions, relationships, and tormenting thoughts and dreams. Between the covers of this powerful book, you will find information and revelation that leads to freedom, power packed with Scripture to support every page... (read more)
No One Goes to Hell by Accident
“No one goes to hell by accident!” were the words I heard as the vision opened before me. The scenes that followed forever changed the way I saw the often-controversial subject of Hell. This experience confirmed that hell is a real place. It also served to confirm that it is very difficult to go to hell, although many will end up there… (read more)
Four Types of Speaking in Tongues
This book will revolutionize your prayer life! Discover what the Word of God has to say about the gift of tongues. David Hairabedian guides you through this subject sharing from his own personal experience and through a topical study based on the Word of God.… (read more)
A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles
It is truly possible for people to walk in the divine, and Christ came to show us the way. It is by rediscovering our true identity in him that we can begin to move into the promises of God regarding the miraculous. Bill Johnson not only teaches the supernatural, he imparts it by changing the way we think… (read more)